Ship7 makes shopping from U.S. stores easy and affordable, even if the store doesn’t ship internationally. You get a free U.S. address, access to package consolidation services, and competitive shipping rates—all designed to save you time and money.
Not at all! Signing up for a Ship7 account is free, and our services are designed to help you save on shipping costs. By consolidating multiple packages into one, you can save up to 80% on international shipping fees.
Absolutely! Ship7 has successfully delivered thousands of packages worldwide. We offer secure package handling, real-time tracking, and optional insurance for added peace of mind.
No problem! Ship7 offers a personal shopping service where we can purchase items on your behalf from U.S. stores, ensuring you get exactly what you want, hassle-free.
Unlike other services, Ship7 offers free account signup, competitive shipping rates, and tools like package consolidation to save you even more. Plus, our user-friendly dashboard and excellent customer support make your shipping experience simple and worry-free.