Shop USA New Year Deals Now!

Unlock exclusive 2025 New Year bargains from top US stores and ship them to your doorstep worldwide!
  • Membership is free.
  • You won't pay until you ship your parcels.
  • No credit card required.
  • We'll never share your info with anyone!
Massive Savings on US Brands

Massive Savings on US Brands

Access exclusive discounts and clearance deals from top US stores for the New Year.
Massive Savings on US Brands

Fast & Affordable Shipping

Enjoy fast, consolidated shipping to your location at unbeatable rates
Massive Savings on US Brands

Shop Tax-Free in the USA

Save even more with tax-free shopping options for international customers.

Happy Ship7 Members Worldwide

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I sign up for a Ship7 account?

Ship7 makes shopping from U.S. stores easy and affordable, even if the store doesn’t ship internationally. You get a free U.S. address, access to package consolidation services, and competitive shipping rates—all designed to save you time and money.

Is it expensive to use Ship7?

Not at all! Signing up for a Ship7 account is free, and our services are designed to help you save on shipping costs. By consolidating multiple packages into one, you can save up to 80% on international shipping fees.

Can I trust Ship7 with my packages?

Absolutely! Ship7 has successfully delivered thousands of packages worldwide. We offer secure package handling, real-time tracking, and optional insurance for added peace of mind.

What if a U.S. store doesn’t accept my international credit card?

No problem! Ship7 offers a personal shopping service where we can purchase items on your behalf from U.S. stores, ensuring you get exactly what you want, hassle-free.

How is Ship7 better than other shipping services?

Unlike other services, Ship7 offers free account signup, competitive shipping rates, and tools like package consolidation to save you even more. Plus, our user-friendly dashboard and excellent customer support make your shipping experience simple and worry-free.

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  • Membership is free.
  • You won't pay until you ship your parcels.
  • No credit card required.
  • We'll never share your info with anyone!